A new Medal of Honor.Finally fighting japs.

User Rating: 9.1 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault PC
Medal of Honor Allied Assault was one of the best FPS-s ever. Now,the next Medal of Honor game is Pacific Assault,that treats the american conflict with the japanese. Graphics:9/10 There are some beautiful landscapes,& good textures at objects.The only thing is that it ain't revolutionary.

Sound:10/10 The sound is simply perfect,as in every Medal of Honor game. 3D sound,high quality voice acting & sound effects are stunning.Pacific Assault is the only game that convinced me I was really shooting with a rifle, & that's impressive. Gameplay:9/10 Very nice & various.You will have to be driven around in a jeep,observe the daily routine in Hawaii,get to action:shoot enamies,shoot down planes with AA guns,machine guns,or save as many people as you can inside a flaming cruiser.Interacting with teammates,giving them orders & respecting the ones they give,plus the dialogues between you & them are making a really vast gameplay,never experienced in Call of Duty series.

Value:9/10 Pacific Assault ain't just an other WWII shooter.It's a real classic,& it's lenghty,but you won't get bored.Even though not better than Call of Duty(1 or 2),it's one of the best WWII FPS-s.

Tilt:9/10 You'll get to know your teammates & you'll like them.The story is good & covers a soldier's life in a marine squad that fought at Midway,Iwo Jima & other battles with the japanese,not with Ze (very popular) Germanz.