If only they could make TV series as great as this game.

User Rating: 9 | Max Payne 3 X360

The network airing this show would be win Emmy after Emmy for best drama and action every year for however long this series continued. Yep... It is that good. I was afraid Rockstar would have dropped the ball like, some franchise games.

After Almost a decade, Max Payne Proves once again why story rich game play matters and, offers much more. I like Rockstar's attention to detail. Showing off the fact that it is not just a pretty face. You will notice too as you are playing. with the way Max holds his guns, the detail of wounds targets with gunshots, and the destructive environments. All of which, are a welcomed touch.

It has replay value with the golden guns and other content in the single player but, now multiplayer has entered the fray. and it isn't a tacked on component. it works and it works well! You can start your own gang, create a unique logo, put prices on rivals heads. You can even port your gang over to GTA 5 once it is released... Awesome!

Personally, I loved the series for the story. and once again things go from bad to worst with Max. I feel sorry for him but, it makes for a great story. Not to mention a great game. Most love the Bullet Time Gimmick that the game has, But once you play this, you will almost forget about that option all together. Great Job, Rockstar!