story not very good but versus...OUTSTANDING!

User Rating: 10 | Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects PS2
storyline not so bad, but the missions suck!!!
their just a bit difficult!! f. e. you have to kill all enemies but you only have a life for one hit to you!!
it's a bit dissapointing that some missions when you start them (magneto)
you cant accomplish another uncompleted missions..
there were left few missions ironman mission one or two and the last one for venom.. i started play with magneto and here you go . i cant play those missions to unlock cards or movies!! now i have to restart story to get three cards and one movie!!! that sucks!!

but only game that's versus is this great is def jam ffny!!
there is destructible envirnoments you can throw things...!!
it's just ossom!! :@
you should buy this game only for versus but if you want to get your nerves bad tthen you can play story!!!
i give this game 10 just because only of vs!!!!