Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death on the PC Was A LOT OF FUN to Play--

User Rating: 9 | Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death PC

Why the rating of 9? The game was nothing but fun and challenging to play, well written, with great voice acting, no bugs at all, and no crashes!

Qualifying this 'fun' aspect though means like so many many games today fighting and dying over and over and over and over again is overpowering for me. What was great about this Marlow was it was Single Player only and I could play it Offline and use a Trainer to cheat death! I don't understand and I don't have any fun in any game seeing how many times and how many different ways I can die before I maybe get lucky or skillful and get through a 'boss' battle. The gaming industry puts 'boss' in a battle in order to make my life miserable and stop all the 'fun' I was having with other challenges and action in the story. I think the term 'boss' ruins the adventure and action and immersion of a game and I would love to see the concept removed. It's like a "'time-out' -- you are now screwed" aspect of a game totally out of place. If a game doesn't have difficult combat fighting in it then it isn't worth programming and selling? Is that really what our real and imaginary worlds all comes down too?

So yes and so what? I turned a game that would have had me tearing my hair out trying to finish one battle after another without dying time and time again into a really fun experience by keeping it single player offline with a trainer and it was a 'fun' experience.