User Rating: 8.1 | Mario vs. Donkey Kong GBA
If memory serves me right, Mario once went one on one with a big
ape guy, who decided it was funny to steal Mario's gal, Princess Peach, or something like that? But ofcourse that ape guy is Donkey Kong and now it seem that Mario and Donkey are back battling each other...well sort of.
Ok, so the story of Mario v.s Donkey Kong begin with a cool, yet cheap
cinematic, of Donkey Kong watching Tele in his Monkey Crib( his house for those who dont know), and hes channel surfing till he sees an ad about MINI MARIOS. Apparently Donkey Kong falls in love with the toy and wishes to get one, only to realize,, ITs SOLD OUT...and now Donkey Kongs angry and decides to steal a bunch of Mini Mario from the factory...but!!!! lone and behold...Mario see this act..and tries to stop Donkey Kong with his Monkey business( ahahaha ape humour!!)
So the game isnt really a fighting game, but rather its a puzzle solving game. The game feature 6 distintive world, the factory, the jungle, a haunted house and etc.. The whole point of Mario v.s Donkey Kong is to solve the puzzle of each level, by finding the key and unlocking the doors, along with finding them Mini Marios, Donkey left behind. But ofcourse, youll have to avoid enemies, stop foes, make bridges, jump, climb and grab goodies and etc. And each level has a time limit, so you better hurry up!!
but if you manage a good time and style point, your score will be good and youll get plenly of bonus levels.
The games graphics is not bad, its a tad choppy but it is colourful, the sound is good, loads of sound effect and Mario does talk, quite often and it can get annoying, however the puzzle solving is the main thing. Some puzzles maybe easy easy!! but some can really be a real pain!!!
Im ofcourse an enormous Super Mario fan, but this game isnt really
a keeper, however it is worth a shot..

PROS: Interesting style of gameplay, 2d style, colourful graphics, classic Donkey Kong Gaming, and loads of puzzles

CONS: Some puzzle can be frustrating, Mario speeches can be annoying