Only those that played this (either this or Super Mario Bros. "NES") truly know games.

User Rating: 10 | Mario Bros. 2600
If someone boasts that they know good games when they see one, ask them if they've played Mario Bros. here are their responses and the classifications based off of their response.

No: this means they know nothing about games whatsoever, just walk away...

That sucked!: this means you must take a tac-hammer and hit them over the head 'till they see the light... or God. (run as fast as you can afterwords)

What's that?: this means they are just too young to know of Mario Bros. ... that or they're just not game savvy.

Yeah it was okay: this means they know about good games, but might not be able to identify them well, feel free to walk as slowly as you want from these ones.

Heck yeah! that ruled!: these are the ones that know and can easily identify good games AND bad games, no need to run, this is one you want to be friends with.

so as you can see, there's no discernment of good/bad games for anyone that has not played Mario Bros. or Super Mario bros.