The Granddaddy of Halo

User Rating: 7.5 | Marathon MAC
Back in 1994, Bungie released this legendary game for the Mac. The game was truly amazing. It was way better than Doom in many ways, most noticeably in the Plot (as we all no, Doom's plot was Demons come through teleporters, kill them all). Marathon has a great plot: it involves alien slavers, rebellion, and an AI of questionable sanity. Also, unlike Doom, many weapons have secondary fire, and you can dual wield pistols. The enemies are varied and interesting, and this is also where Hunters got their beginning as armored creatures with energy guns on their shoulders. The gameplay consists of going through the level to the end terminal, but in some levels you may need to explore, in some you will need to save security teams (which you will most likely end up killing), and in some you will just need to kill all of the enemies. The sound isn't that great. There is a little music, but not much. The aliens sound great though. Overall, this is a great game and it is definitely a predecessor to Halo. And, with its windows-compatible free release at, everyone can play it. If you like Halo, even remotely, try Marathon. But it gets repetitive after awhile. Very repetitive.