A average game that takes a unique and brutal angle

User Rating: 7.2 | Manhunt XBOX
When this game was originally released no one gave it a second look. It was released and pushed very hard with a magazine ad blitz but in essence flopped out of the gate, and then most parent groups pushed to have it banned and had an "R" rating slapped on it. Then all of a sudden the sales went crazy, and the game was given more credit then it deserved. Manhunt takes the gamer into a game with somewhat of a unique storyline, Your a a convict slated to be exicuted but are saved at the last moment by a TV producer and put into the bad part of town, your job is to simply make it through and kill as many rival gang members as you can. The twist is that your starting weapons are plastic bags and pieces of glass. That sounded very cool to me which is why I ended up buying it, but even with a very large range of various weapons and various ways to kill the rival gang members very brutal ways I might add, but it gets stale, Most of the reason why I continued to play was simply because going from one area to the next unlocked newer weapons and in turn new kill methods. The Story concept is interesting but they fail to really built upon it through out the game your reasons for moving on are because you are a maniac, no real story development. The gameplay doesn't offer much that alot of other 3rd person type games wouldn't its using a fairly stale gameplay engine. The voice acting is a treat, Brian Cox does an excellent job and is almost worth playing just to hear him make some of the comments he makes, although they are often repeated and do get annoying after a while. Overall this game is a good novelty, but there are much better games of its type out there. If you just own a PS2 or an X-Box it makes the game a touch more appealing but if you have both there are simply too many better games out there, unless you are a fan of repeated senseless violance then this game is for you.