Fun and crazy, but not great. Seems like it was made before the original.

User Rating: 6.5 | Manhunt 2 WII
Manhunt 2 for the Wii is a decent game. It's got some good ideas, mostly what has carried over from the original. Unfortunately there is a lot of polish missing from what could have made it better.

What you have to keep in mind before playing this game is that it was band from being released for quite a while because of its intense violence. Now what is key to realize here is that it was eventually released, so they must have done something to get it out there. What they did is almost undo the game's main appeal. Manhunt and Manhunt 2's main piece of originality and intrigue, basically its claim to fame, is it's sneak up behind death scenes.

Through most of this game you are sticking to the shadows avoiding being seen and sneaking up behind your targets one by one killing them in different ways. The longer you sneak up behind them in the ready position the more violent the kill is, which also changes depending on he weapon you're using for the kill. What has happened with manhunt 2 though is a sensor issue where they flash the screen a weird red tint so you can hardly make out what is taking place. I mean it too, there are some kills where you will have no idea what happened. This added censorship is what I think is hypocritical of the point of the game, which is to be violent. I mean, you can attempt harder kills with which the only benefit is a cooler and more violent death scene, however with the censorship its nearly pointless. Throughout most of this game I found myself just doing the quickest death scene kill or even skipping the death scene kill all together and just fighting the guy out in the open.

What I don't get is how violent the game still is while the fun of the unique kills is made null. You can still shoot people's heads to make them explode, still light them on fire and there is still implied violence everywhere.

The controls are decent while at times a bit clumsy. Aiming with a gun is sometimes difficult, almost impossible when you're out in the open trying to pop off a kill before someone gets you first. Also the fact that picking up items, bodies and interacting with things is the same button as attack doesn't help either. One other little problem I had is the fact you can tilt the nunchuck to either side to lean around corners. This is a cool unique feature, however I found when I was relaxing or leaning back while playing I would get stuck standing in place leaning to one side because i had the nunchuk at an angle or resting on my leg. I actually thought the game had messed up a few times because of this.

The only other main flaw of the game is it's AI. The enemies seem completely motivated by randomness. There are times when I'll see an enemy just run into a room for no apparent reason and stop dead in his tracks just to start walking around normally. At times their walking patterns are impossible to memorize because they are just plain buggy. You will see the enemies in this game do nearly everything weird you can think of. Get stuck in walls, run in circles, seemingly dance. Most of the time you will find you have to face them out in the open just to fix them. Also, the AI is just plain dumb. If you are spotted you just have to run into the shadows and you're basically in the clear. Most of the time you can kill someone right behind another enemy and they won't even notice.

Now besides these flaws, and the uninspired fight-club knockoff story, the game is well, just plain fun. Sneaking up on people to kill them is interesting and unique with what should have been good visual reward, but it's still cool. The best part in my opinion are the stages where you walk down halls with different types of guns and just blast people's heads off. There's a large array of weapons and ways you can kill off the enemy with each of them. Using the Wiimote and nunchuk to fight are also a benefit to this version as it just feels fun.

All in all Manhunt 2 is decent. I mean, the story isn't anything great, and the censorship kills are ironically this games main element of demise, but it still manages to be fun. There isn't much difficulty though, so I only recommend this game for a quick fun playthrough. Maybe a rental or something you borrow from a friend or find in a bargain bin, but nothing to buy for over 15 bucks.