An interesting take on the JRPG.

User Rating: 8 | Mana-Khemia: Gakuen no Renkinjutsushi-tachi Portable Plus PSP
While I've only spent a little over ten hours with the title, its been a fun ten hours. I waffled on whether I should buy this title based on all the negative comments regarding load times. I finally gave in to temptation and purchased it from PSN to play on my PSP-1000. The load times are not an issue with the digital version, so, if you're on the fence based on that, don't worry about it.

In the game, you are an amnesiatic (yawn) boy who ends up attending an alchemy school (the twist). This is no Hogwarts, your time is spent gathering ingredients and fighting monsters for both class assignments and extracurricular jobs.

Combat is of your basic turn-based variety. During each turn you have the option of standard attacks, mana-based (or special attacks), item usage, guard, or flee.

As opposed to random encounters, enemies are visible on the field which provides you the ability to evade or get initiative with a first strike. A day/night cycle exists with the enemies speeding up and becoming more aggressive during the twilight hours.

The "dungeons" are presented in a isometric view that provides a nice depth effect as your character wanders about the field. The academy and the over-world map are static images with a list of available locations from which to select.

The real draw is the school setting which is broken into days and terms and, of course, the alchemy. Through alchemy you will craft new consumable items, weapons, and armor. There is no standard leveling up. Instead you will craft items which will unlock elements on your Grow Chart (think FF 12 license board). Once unlocked, you can spend points you earn after battle to boost hit points, attack, defense, etc. Unless you fail during a critical plot mission, you will awake in the school infirmary tended to by the slightly creepy nurse (whom I think has an unhealthy interest in the student bod).

I can't say much for the story. I'm ten hours in an there are some bad guys, a few flashbacks that suggests that me and my mana (a magical feline entity that accompanies me and turns into my primary weapon) are more than they seem. Could it be true? Will I be destined to save the world? Well, I'm not sure, but I'm intrigued enough to continue grinding my way forward ... just hope I don't get detention again. Predictability and fishing are not my forte but I can predict that this was $15 well spent.