Garbage. Don't buy...get one of the predecessors instead....they are much funner.

User Rating: 2 | Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015 PC

I've been playing mtg since I was in college, and this is by far the worst software/game that has had the MTG logo on it.

This game flat out sucks. It is inferior to its predecessors in every way. Its clunky and unnecessarily time consuming thanks to the 'tablet' friendly gui, its harsh on the eyes, it is devoid of the features or modes that made its predecessors really fun like 2 headed giant, sealed deck play, planechase and archenemy, etc...and it wants to gouge your ass for microtransactions that are laughably not even worth, the cards that should come with the game when you buy it! does have the ability for you to build custom decks!/sarcasm...

This all thanks this to greedy EA-esque marketing model: Sell an inferior product that has one or two features its predecessors don't have along with an 'updated' roster, and charge more for it and its 'pieces' so that we can ream fanbois for all they're worth...thank God for 'try before buy'...but still, I really hate that Wizards has stooped so far to allow their publisher and game developer to put out trash like this.

What should have been done, is that all of the previous iterations of this game (Duels of the Planeswalkers 20XX) should've been combined with the added features. But this would have 'taken business' away from Magic: Online or the real MTG cash cow...or so they say. They fail to recognize that they have been losing players at a constant rate because many of us are not willing to shell out the cash on a constant basis, especially for an inferior product after you have proven you can do something great that people will be willing to come back to the game for.