If you look past the generic gunplay, sound, and graphics, MAG delivers an amazing multiplayer experience.

User Rating: 7.5 | MAG PS3
One unique game that has recently come out is a game called MAG for the PS3. There has been a lot of hype about the number of people (256) you can have in the game at once. If you look past the generic graphics and sound effects this game does offer a unique experience.

Overall, I like it. When it shines it shines. There are balancing issues though, everyone feels equal and evenly matched and you can basically custom your classes to have all the things you need and the weapons don't feel powerful though and there are only a few guns too. But you don't win by playing army of one. You win by working with your squad and as a team. It does have it's moments when all hell is breaking lose and your giving orders to repair gates while people guard a point and defend another while calling in for reinforcements and it feels like your just one person part of a massive battle and you win.

One major bad thing about MAG is that there aren't a lot of maps to play on, so you're basically playing the same ones over and over again. And it's hard to join a game with a friend who's on another faction. Because once you join a faction, you're with them unless you start all over again on another. And there rare occasion you get some squad leader who doesn't know what they are doing and messes everything up and doesn't give out orders on what to do or doesn't have a headset.

Good thing is though it's one of those games that people kick other people off who don't have one. But they have been pretty good with the servers though so no game crashes out. It gets addicting though because of leveling up, getting new guns and attachments and medals.
Oh yeah, you actually don't face 128 players at the same time. You face off against 32 people at a time. All 256 people are on the same map but you are assigned to a certain part of that map. Basically the map is divided into 4ths where your squad of 16 faces off against another. You can cross over to other sections but it will screw your squad over and you will get less experience points (you get bonus points by hanging out with your squad leader and if you take out or protect an objective that he tells you to). But if you're the Officer In Charge, (or the higher up in ranks) you can issue bombardments, sonar scanning, and other special abilities. You have to worry about the other 128 people your up against and yours too so you don't massively slaughter your own people. I've been in that one

It's a nice start and it's different because it doesn't give you that army of one feeling that COD MW2 does if that's not your thing. I like the army of one thing though but feeling like your on a massive battle where your part of a squad of a greater army does feel awesome. What really hurts it for me is playing the same maps over and over again. 7.5/10