Who is truly "HOT FOR GIBSON"?

User Rating: 9.3 | Mad Max NES
When I first saw Braveheart I thought "holy mother of god" and it became my favorite movie of ALL-TIME. Since that warm summer day of 1995 it became my own personal Crusade to view EVERY Mel Gibson movie. To my dismay, however, I have recently notice that MEL-THE-MAN hasnt been in ANY GAMES. The ONLY game that Mel has been in is Mad Max for the NES. Now, if any of the people who have reviewed the game had ACTUALLY PLAYED it, rather than go looking for old games on the site so they could review it and put thier own two cents in, then they would have given it at least a 9/10. What an amazing side scroller. Keep in mind i played this game for the first time only one month ago. The animation is clean and lit takes a good 10 hours to get through all 200 levels. Overall it is just a fun game to play. Whether its on an emulator (NOT CONDONED) or if any of you still have an NES and buy Mad Max on EBAY its worth EVERY PENNY.