Review 108 Hitting The Road

User Rating: 4 | Mad Max NES
Well a new Mad Max game is coming as well as a new movie so I might as well review this garbage.I had just found out about this game 3 weeks ago and I played it and im here to talk about Mad Max on the nes.Its garbage like I just said.First off is the music.The title screen music is bland for a Mid 1990 Game that is BAD! I dont expect much from movie games but games like Batman and Gremlins 2 are two games based off movies both by Sunsoft.This game is not from LJN.So Im suprised that this game Is bad but one thing right of the start is Driving controls.It feels clunky and there Is great driving games on the nes before 1990 like Excitebike.But the thing that kills it the most is the Gas system.Gas should never been a feature to add in this game it just makes me more mad and want to break my controller.You got bombs on your car to blow up enemies and barricades but you can run out of those.Good thing there is a shop to buy things and Its pretty cool.Its not all driving though theres also walking areas where you have a generic gun and Mad Max walks like he has a broken leg or has to take a dump or both.The final boss in the game is unfair and its the worst part of this game.I wont tell you who it is like anybody even plays Nes games these days whats the point.Well I guess I can tell you all that games back in the past were bad and even games like Super Mario Bros 3 sucks to all these high quality new titles.But that wont stop me from telling you all the truth and Mad Max is horrible and I hope the new game is not a 4/10 like this