Absolutely one of the best games I've played in the last few years.

User Rating: 10 | Machinarium MAC
I'm one of those big platform game types. The type who usually only pays attention to the big title games that show up in commercials. But, every now and again I return to the indie scene to see what has been cooking, see if any developers have truly created something spectacular. And while it is rare, every now and then an absolutely spectacular game emerges. THIS is that game. I bought Machinarium after playing the demo on their website, staying away from pirating because independents should be rewarded for their hard work. After playing through the first few levels, I was hooked. This game is difficult. Not frustrating difficult, but challenging, which I absolutely love. This puzzle game actually makes you think and it makes you think hard. For those who want a mindless shooter, stay clear. This is an awesome to play point and click adventure game where every step of the game is more rewarding than the last. I have spent almost an hour on one level, trying to figure out a puzzle, and still not been frustrated because of how beautiful and charming this game is. Oh yes, this game is beautiful. Each level is a work of art. Each level has its own hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. I still return to this game when I want a little challenge, even though the game doesn't offer much replay value, it is just something that I cannot get enough of. The world the developers created is absolutely wonderful and the characters and unforgettable. I would recommend this game to everyone, because I think everyone will find something they like about this game. Anyone interested in a little challenging indie game that I consider to be one of the most rewarding experiences in a game yet should check this game out. But beware, this game takes patience, a lot of patience. You've been warned. But in the end this immersive little gem is one of the best games I have found yet and has re-newed my faith in the Indie genre. Oh, and please, PLEASE do not pirate this game! It is worth every penny. It's only $20, which anyone can afford. The developers went through an unimaginable amount of work to create this beautiful peace of art, so please, give them something back.