A compelling and quite beautifully crafted game in many ways puzzles included

User Rating: 9.5 | Machinarium PC
I found myself quickly immersed in this game, enough for me to not notice 3 hours had passed by! A lot of games and things really don't hold my attention for this long (unless it was an old indie game - these kept me for 7+ hours often as a teen!).

Machinarium really gives the player a lot of scope to think and use their brains, the puzzles are that hard its that good, and you go through a series of puzzles to open the next and so on. The graphics are beautifully drawn and crafted and in a clear view that you are able to distinguish the difference in objects that you need to use. The curser that changes once you mouse over the objects is a real help in knowing which objects you need to use, but also gives little clues enough for you to give your brain a good workout in thinking (brain exercise modem) and I would recommend this game to any one of any age who wanted some good brain exercises to compliment their maths or similar logic games they may have, but even Machinarium itself would be the perfect logic game to take anywhere.

If there was a negative thing to say about this game, there wouldn't be many. The only one negative I can think of is we can't freely click on an object anywhere in the scene (or mouse over) unless we have walked over to the area then we would know if any objects in that area of the scene would be usable at the time. The good point is though, the cursor changes to walk so we know we are required to walk over to that area to do something. One problem is we should follow a sequence, otherwise if we don't we are stuck and have to restore so make sure you save the game as often as you can! Make a good habit of it.

I am deaf so I can't make any comments on the sounds sorry, but from what other people have told me, the sounds and music are good!

Overall, this game was one of the best and most fun games to play and I feel like I have regained some logic and perhaps gained more logic in my brain to deal with logical problems I'm faced in the day. It is well worth buying and keeping on your shelf and playing it over and over again in years to come or pass it through your family to have a play at times if you wish.