If you'd played the first Lost Planet in hope's to return in to the fun, you may want to look some place else.

User Rating: 6 | Lost Planet 2 PS3
Ah, Lost Planet. What a fun, affordable, and great game you were. I remember using the VS's like there was no tomorrow. Story mode was great on Lost Planet 1 too. Here on the other hand... not quite so. The story still relies on the old basics: You are living in a snow covered planet filled with Akrid (which are bug looking things) and guys called Snow Pirates (not pirates just called so). In Chapter 1 of story, you start as one of these pirates. The second you get to Chapter 2, you are confused on who you really are. You switch from Pirate to these NEVEC guys who are the high-tech bad guys. Same stuff happens in the following chapters in story mode. You jump from "your" guys to being the guys you just murdered. It really throws you off. Not to mention the jumping in how the story mode is made. In between two chapters, you jump from nowhere to somewhere, with no back-up info. Well... at least the boss battles were worth it. Online mode can be unfair too. The guys with higher time spent playing get better weapons. Among which is the my personal favorite (but often hated by others), the Energy Gun. The cheap thing about this gun is that it's auto lock-on. Unless you're really good at the game, avoiding these shots are rather difficult.
In the end, just look for another. There are better games out there.