The review from the devil's advocate's office is in

User Rating: 5.3 | Lost in Blue DS
It seems adventure games are few and far between these days, yielding to all the FPS and RTS titles out there today. So I really did want to like this game, but I just couldn't. There's too much micromanagement and multi-management involved for my tastes. I couldn't get absorbed into the story because this little whiner of an antagonist kept ruining the moment for me. "I'm hungry!" "I'm thirsty!" OK, let's get you some food. Ok, that's done with, now we need to get you some water. Wait, you don't have enough energy to get to the shore? Uh-oh, you're hungry again? Oh, you're dying now. You're dead.

I restarted the game a few times, trying to make my paths to various spots on the beach more efficient time-wise, but to no avail. Once I got his basic needs taken care of, it was time to get some sleep in the cave, but he wouldn't because there was no fire. Running about trying to find twigs ran his hunger and thirst levels up; you can imagine what happened shortly thereafter. I finally managed to get him to sleep, but the next day it was the same story: I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm dying of starvation! Oh, and once you find the girl, then you have TWO kids to babysit. No thank you.

It's a good thing this was a rental. I would've been really disappointed if I had purchased this game. Sorry, Konami, but thumbs down. Next time, let the player focus more on the characters, story, and exploration, rather than all this business of hunting down food and water every five minutes.