Cheats & Guides

Lost in Blue Cheats For DS

  1. Play as Heroine

    Once you beat the game, you will be able to play the game over as Skye.

    Contributed by: Avren7 

  2. Unlimited Spices

    This cheat allows you to use a spice even if you don't have it.

    To do this you need at least one type of spice. On the spice selection screen use the D-Pad and highlight the spice you need that you're out of. Then using the stylus/touch screen highlight a spice you do have, then press A.

    If done correctly the spice you want to use that your out of will go from 0 to -1 and appear in the box of spices being used on the top screen.

    Contributed by: secksncigs 

  3. Food dupe trick

    When playing as the Hero:
    When you give the female character a food item to cook, make sure the item you want to dupe is in the last slot. Give her the item and with the stylus continue to press the item immediatley next to it repeatdly. It will give the item as long as you tap it.
    If you open her inventory after the trick is done (by pressing X) it will undo the trick.

    Contributed by: litlmutt 

  4. Trap Dupe Glitch

    First, begin this duping glitch by preparing a trap of choice (large traps, small traps, etc.) in your inventory. When you're ready to place the trap, open your inventory with the X button and rapidly press A immediately after pressing X. (You don't have to mash the A button, but this is just to ensure the trick works for you until you work out the timing for yourself.)

    Before the inventory screen pops up you should notice the hero bend over to check the ground. Select the desired trap from your inventory and 'use' it. (Using the A button or the stylus doesn't matter.) If you do this properly, your hero should be bent over and you should hear the the 'picking-up' sound. When you check your inventory, the trap will be in the last slot, as if you just picked up an item. At first glance, it will look like a trap has not been placed. Leave the area and come back, a trap will have been placed where you used it. Continue doing this trick as many times as you want to duplicate traps.

    Contributed by: he_he_he 

  5. Challenge mode

    To play as the boss, beat Skyes story mode. Now you can play as the boss in challenge mode!

    Contributed by: Mudkipper2 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Paul Acevedo 29K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by AcrossJGA 15K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Kayshabeast 60K
In-Depth Guides Hunting/Fishing Guide by Laokia 33K