PK's pretty much takes a lot away from Lineage II. It's sad because the game is great, PVP is horrible.

User Rating: 8.4 | Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle PC
I love this game, it's one of my favorites. The only problem I have is the PVP system which really is lame when other players can kill you without warning. For novice players starting off, it'll be frustrating when you try to lvl up and end up encounting many PKers who will make lvling a little difficult. There is no fun when you constantly die because a high lvl wants to kill you. I'm not going to get into detail because as of now I've deactivated my account due to the lack of PVP system NCsoft uses. Star Wars Galaxies is probably the best PVP I've seen to date. Allowing the user to accept or decline a duel. Lineage II is good, but the PVP system and grinding needs to be changed a bit so the user can have more fun.