Ok, but -way- better out there.

User Rating: 2.5 | Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle PC
The game Lineage 2 is (obviously) an MMORPG. With so many on the market these days, how can it compete? Pretty poorly if you ask me. Maybe if you let everything suck you into it, it will start looking better and better, but I would NEVER let this have the chance to suck away my money month after month. If you absolutely need a good MMO, try playing something good like World of Warcraft or Guild Wars.
To give something positive to it, it has pretty good graphics and with its stupidly long leveling up time, you will be playing (unless your figure out how bad it is) for quite some time. When you pick up the box for this game DO NOT be fooled by the cool pictures on it. Most pictures depict such things and riding a dragon. To ever even get close to this, you will have to play for a VERY long time. Not worth it what-so-ever. Your wasting your time, and even more importantly your money!!! One of my friends is stupid enough to keep paying money for this game month after month. Hes payed almost $200 now, and he still hasn't got any dragons or monsters or anything to ride or do anything actually fun.
But I must admit it is put together quite well, just to bad what they put together wasn't fun.
If you need an MMO try buying Guild Wars or playing (even though it isn't to good) Runescape. Runescape may not be to good at all, but its still way better than paying money for this crap.
The point here is that its a semi-poor game, and theres SO much WAY better stuff out there. So if you get that idiotic feeling to pay $15 a month for a game, try getting something good.
This game isn't fun, takes to long to do anything, very poor compared to others, but has pretty good graphics. Doesn't sound to worth it to me at all.

Don't waste your time and money waiting for something actually good to happen, buy a game worth playing and spending money on.