User Rating: 4.4 | Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle PC
Lineage 2 is a game with a really great potential, unfortunately some of the gamers around the world just trash the fun to get real money and make the game go down the toilet. Lin2 is not all that bad of a game, surely some of us old RPG'ers and MMORPG vets know that grinding, leveling and gathering resources is one of the common tasks to finally form a clan and have great clan wars. But Lineage 2 have become the cheaters, exploiters and botters game by excellence. Gameplay is not bad at all, maybe a little bit to harsh to level up and get the cash to buy the next weapon or armor, but when you finally get the hang of it, is not that difficult, maybe repetitive and sometimes boring, but most of the games have their share of this. The real problem comes with exploiters and botters. The game is plagued with groups of "gamers" that take the game as work. The farm and farm in game money to sell in some very known auction websites. Of course, other players go and buy this money from them, making the game's economy system go to hell. You see a lot of new players running around with weapons and armor not suited for their level. Also lots of gamers act in an extremely rude manner, camping areas for the profit, invading monsters needed for questing, and destroying the game experience. All of this is cause mainly by NC Soft, who doesn't want to listen to the complaints of real players, or just don't care. It would be very easy to ask the auction sites to stop permitting the in game currency to be sold for real money (as the EULA of the game stated), and even take some legal action against the websites, because that in game money is really intellectual property of NC Soft. The graphics really are great, mostly because is based on the Unreal engine, the sound is not bad, but the botting and exploiting just send everything down the drain, plus the most flawed PvP system ever seen in a MMORPG destroy the game completly. Save your money for World of Warcraft, believe me, this is not a bad game, but bad gamers make it worthless. Sorry NC, lots of American Players won't be on, mainly because of the problems that you don't want to address properly.