Lineage 2.....zzzzzzzzzzzz....

User Rating: 2.4 | Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle PC
Here is a warning other then a review, buy city of heroes , ncsoft made a great game there, cause this game bites. Grapically its gorgeous, lush graphics, great scenery and i just told you all lineage has to offer, cause seriously gameplay wise its slow, boring, repetitive and to be kind, puts you to sleep. Till lvl 20 the game doesnt open up, thats whyen you can change jobs and become a wizard or a knight etc etc, but to get to lvl 20 is pure torture, if your a mystic you have to fight low level monsters till god knows when, cause the second you take on something even remotly higher in level then you, you die. So you say its an online game, you should team up and youll be fine. Thats so true except Lineage 2 has the worst community in the excistance of the world, i think there all 10 year olds, or grown men with way too much testostirone, i was in one group and they where fighting about who hits hardest and that the other guy is a wimp for only taking on 2 skeletons while he can take on 3, Come on guys grow up. Now i won't mock Ncsoft because i am a grand fan of city of heroes, in fact i gave it a 9.8 its a grand game, great community, great fun all round. But what the hell happened in this game. I also played FFXII and damn it seems like the people a ncsoft got that game and cloned it, yet dumbing it down in the process. Anyways i hate to give any game game a bad review but i think you all should now, before you go and waste your cash like i did. BUY CITY OF HEROES. As far as i am concerned the staff at gamespot where too kind by giving this game a 6