LIMBO is thick with atmosphere and mystery. Unfortunately it doesn't offer as much as I hoped.

User Rating: 8 | LIMBO PC
Wake up in a forest. Take a nice walk. Get you ****in head chopped off by a bear trap. Get impaled by a spear. Get swallowed by a giant spider... Welcome to Dark Souls.

...Erm. Uh.. I mean LIMBO. An independent offering for ten dollars (Got it for 2.50 on steam sale). The game will immediately pull you into its world. A dangerous one at that. Filled with puzzles, traps, secrets, and maggots. My kind of place. A place that I highly recommend you visit. Prepare to die, and be respawned right before you did.

Although LIMBO nails so many things right, the downfall is that it's very short (3 hours) and offers limited challenge. Puzzles could have been harder and there should have been more of them.


Gameplay (8/10):

+Very solid platforming
+Interesting puzzles
+Tricky secrets
+Very simple yet responsive controls
+Great story that can be interpreted in more than one way
+The whole game works sort of like poetry
-Not enough puzzles
-Not enough challenge
-Not enough to do

Graphics (8/10):

+Art design rocks
+Great animation
-Could have use a bit more detail
-Environments are not as varied as you'd hope

Sound (10/10):

+Great, subtle music
+Top-of-the-line ambiance
+Great sound fx like when you get impales or sliced up by a huge saw
(No voice acting or dialogue in this game so if you like that... well, it's not here.)

Value (6/10):

+Cheap! (the sale price that is)
+Secrets might take you a while to find
-If you bother to do so
-Only 3 hours long
-Not very replayable (Unless achievement junkie)

Bottom line is if you like puzzles, and you like atmosphere so thick you can probably cut it with a knife, then this game is a must.