Gorgeous and innovative, Limbo is a groundbreaking attempt to change the way we think about gaming.

User Rating: 9.5 | LIMBO X360
To start off, i'd like to say this is not a game for everyone, Limbo is a simple yet effective puzzle-platfomer, that will most likely have you kicking yourself after every head scratchingly devious effort to thwart your progression through the game, to further explain what i mean let me give you an example :
You spend about an hour trying to figure out how to get across a chasm, you seem to have tried everything, when it hits you "Hey didn't i use a box a while back?" so you backtrack to the box and drag it all the way to the chasm and push it in, it gets stuck between the two halves of the hole and allows you to safely get across. See what i'm talking about ? In this game, its often the most simple solution that is the correct one.

The art style is appealing and makes you feel isolated and pathetic in the dark unforgiving world of Limbo, also, you will die. A LOT. So be prepared to stop and think instead of jumping right in.

As far as a story goes, it doesn't have one, but i think it prospers from this decision and adds an air of mystery into the already intriguing backdrop.

This may not be the longest game, but you sure get your value for money!

Thanks for reading people, have a good one.