A Great PSP Experience.

User Rating: 9.6 | LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy PSP
Lego Star Wars II on PSP brings the quirky fun associated with the series to the handheld platform. The impressive part is that almost nothing is lost in translation. Lego Star Wars capitalizes on a unique visual concept, which sets it apart from other similar games. This style and the PSP’s powerful graphics combine to make one of the best looking portable titles ever developed. The use of actual sound effects and music from the original trilogy make it feel like a Star Wars game, despite the light-hearted approach. Lego Star Wars II uses no spoken dialogue between characters. However, developers have used hysterical facial expressions and physical comedy to fill cutscenes, rather than an endless series of boring and tedious subtitles. The gags are not complicated, but fit perfectly with the straightforward simplicity that made the original Star Wars movies and Lego fun in the first place. The controls finally make use of the PSP’s design. Even though the game appears on home consoles, developers took the time to adapt a set of controls that doesn’t utilize the Dualshock format. This one detail has killed many potentially great PSP titles. Traveler’s Tales has put together a smooth and easy to master combat control system that doesn’t leave players wishing they had a second analog stick. The gameplay is not incredibly challenging, but is always entertaining. Players constantly switch between combat, platforming, and puzzle solving to keep gameplay from ever becoming repetitive. The ability to switch characters on the fly adds an interesting twist to the gameplay usually found in other action/shooters. The large number of unlockables and hidden items adds an added depth to the game as well as adding to its replay value. The only possible weak area of this tile is the camera. Players are unable to manipulate the camera during play, which can be briefly frustrating at times. The camera does a good job of self-adjusting during action, and is far better than most console games and head and shoulders above most PSP titles. Lastly, this tile is as fun for players who love Star Wars as it is for those that aren’t as fanatical about the films. Any gamer can appreciate the simple fun and humor involved in the game, and fans of the films will get a thrill out of unlocking the Lego versions o all their favorite action figures. It’s rare for a movie inspired game to rise above the source material. The exact same graphics, physics, and control system would be a hit if it had been put into a completely original title. Lego Star Wars II is a great game, not just a great Star Wars Game. I highly recommend it as a purchase to all PSP owners.