Best Lego game yet

User Rating: 9 | LEGO Jurassic World PS3

Lego Jurassic World is just like all the other Lego games, all of the characters and missions are based off of the scenes from the game's theme (Jurassic Park and World), you collect studs to buy more characters, red bricks to give you special cheats like attracting studs and destroying things on contact, gold bricks, mini kits to unlock special characters (skeleton dinosaurs) plus in this game you also collect amber bricks to help you unlock more dinosaurs. There are lots of different dinosaurs, T-Rex, Raptor, Pterandon, Spinosaurus and plenty more. Each movie also has their own park for you to travel around in. But don't get the ps vita version, there are a number of dinosaurs that are missing Brachiosaurus, Pteranodon, Mosasurus and a lot more, no skeleteon dinosaurs there aren't any parks to travel around in, less levels, less characters, you can't customize humans just dinosaurs and only 2 areas to free play as the dinosaurs, one for the big dinosaurs and one for the small dinosaurs (both of which are smaller than the areas you can free play the dinosaurs in the ps3 version). So don't bother with the ps vita version, get the ps3 version.