Legendary is one one of those games that has a title that lies to it's victims. True, good opening, but this is a baddie

User Rating: 6 | Legendary PC
Legendary puts you into the boots of a master thief, Charles Deckard, who just was tricked into opening Pandora's Box, releasing about a ton of mythical creatures into New York, also giving him a signet on his hand that holds powers of the Force, and healing powers. There is also a military group wanting to destroy Charles and the beasts. Guns are your basic 9mm to a SAM missile launcher, to a M249 SAW. The game's opening gameplay pits you in a terror-struck New York, with an axe and your newly found signet for protection. As Griffons scoop up people and cars, and the cops try to kill Minotaurs, you are running scared killing anything in your way. Then, the whole game bursts through a riot of laughter as then, you find out that in the game, you can never get lost, which is sad, they have NEW YORK to play with! Boss fights with the Golem and Squids are memorable, but easy and pretty much is a waste of your ammo. Graphics are tough to beat, no jokes, they're amazing! Even though there is only one path, and there is a copy of enemies every level and makes no sense, the game is a decent alright game. Now on to online capabilities!
Online modes are a kill-fest as you're put up with about 4 other players against the monsters that Charles has to clean up. There isn't a buying system, so like a Quantum of Solace Classic mix, you have to find guns. Killing others is a hard job, and makes you want to turn the game off. Though Legendary is repetitive, boring, filled with stupid AI, and has a decent story. You'll be playing level one over and over!