The people who made this game must have been laughing when they came up with the title, for this lame non-legendary game

User Rating: 2 | Legendary PS3
It's quite funny, when you think about it... A game with a name like that and it may only be remembered as legendary for how bad it is.... (Maybe this game and Infamous should swap names). I mean this game even started badly, poorly created cutscenes with incredibly bad voice acting, I was more impressed with the pictures on the back of game case than the graphics. To be honest after the bad start, that was escaping from the museum (Just constantly running and re-wiring switches by holding a button) which dragged on for what seemed like an age. The game did open on to a new york scene with griffins flying everywhere and golems destroying the city... But this gem of a set-piece, is quickly forgotten as the game continues into a gloomy subway, where you fight drakes which near enough kill you in one hit. Now this is where my review jutters to a halt... It's not that I've run out of things to say about this horrible game, it's just that once I'd reached the subway section I simply couldn't bear to play this game anymore, (I even went as far as to sell it the very next day). But over everything I have metioned I feel more sad than anything because in the hands of true game designers this game could have easily been a hit, (Its concept and idea is great) But it's just another game for the scrap pile.