Knights contract review by "K"

User Rating: 6 | Knights Contract X360
I bought the game after the massive propaganda i heard about it ,
alot of awesome screenshots ,amazing videos on Youtube and even in some reviews !!!

let me get to the bad points 1st ,which made me regret buying it ,i should had rented it and kept the money for something better .....

1. you don't die !!! you play with an immortal who never dies ! gettin me back to the reason why i hated Prince of persia 4 soooo much ...

2. pretty f***ked up graphics ,especially in the story movies ,gettin so unique ,as almost all games with bad graphics ,have there moments in the movies !

3. no good skills !! ,
4. silly monsters !! you kill them after multiple hits in hard difficulty ,and as you don't die ..every monster is silly ...
5. the interference is not good, they wanted to make a game and finish it sooooo fast ,to a degree allows me to say ,THEY LOST THEIR GAME for good .

the good things ,hmmmmm

1. a very nice storyline ,it could work great as a movie .

2. the girl runs with you ,has alot more flashy skills than you ,so you gonna keep playin to get to know her skills ....

3. it's a new game to waste your time playin it ,till another good game get released :)

enjoy you game :)
and good bye