Your favorite pink blob comes down in a game you should consiter to buy no matter what type of games you like.

User Rating: 9 | Kirby Super Star Ultra DS
This is a really fun game. No matter the situation of thinking what to play you should allways come to this game because it has so many different games or Chapters of game styles it's all cracked up to be.

The Good Stuff:
really fun to play, many new copy abbilitys, you can play with a friend as a hellper to help you on your juorney, All your favorite ganeras in one game, some bosses will have a trick to them so you can't just hit them with a sword repeativly, pleny of stuff to collect.

The Bad Stuff:
A little on the easy side, there arn't all copy abillitys from Squeak Squad, if your playing single card play you have to look at the host of the games ds to see what your doing.

The thing is this kirby game is the best Kirby game remake ever and will have you playing for hours. I personally think that this game is worth the $30 you pay for it.