I really hope everyone out there has played a kirby game before, but if you did't, pick up this one NOW!!!

User Rating: 8 | Kirby Super Star Ultra DS
This game can be described in one word..."Kirby". Plain and simple. The game, however deviates from the "stage 1" untill "stage 10" formula and within every stage, there are different "levels" and bosses. This, by the way, is a good thing because it adds depth.

There are just choices of games. You can choose to play the Kirby minigames, the incredibly fun minigames, whenever you like. There are also the mainstream storyline levels you can play in. They all have different objectives, gameplay style, and story. For instance, you get to face off with King Dedede because he was stealing food from your village or somthing, so the object of that level was "get to King Dedede without dying". My personal favorite level, the Metaknight level, takes place on the Halebird as you are timed to destroy certain parts of the ship, keep it from taking off and, eventually, face off epically against Metaknight himself, sword vs. sword. The game is, however, very short.

There are several new types of characters for you to swallow and abuse their powers. I love the improved "Fight" power with the extendable reaching fists and the blast-like punch. Each suit no longer has only one skill attached to it. Ever suit has an attack to deliver regularly and while running. There are also some suits that effect the way you float, such as the "Wing" and "Jet" suits. There are also powers with differengt attacks based on if you hold down the attack button, if you are in the air, if you are crounching, ect. Big plus here!

You can play wi-fi and link with friends to play the minigames and do some story levels...but it's no big deal. If they just made the game longer it would be sooooooooooo much better...oh well.