This is a great game that has ground breaking combat as well as quests with great story as well as important skills.

User Rating: 10 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning PS3
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning is one of the best single player RPG's I have played so far. I really like how there were so many abilities, weapons, and attacks in a console game, where as there are usually just a few attacks in games like this. I also liked the Reckoning mode and fate shifts, which I have never seen anything before which was like that. The story is very good, and the game is very interactive with more than just combat and quest. You also have skills like lock picking, and blacksmithing which really enhance the whole game play experience. then there are great talent tress, with three main talent trees which are sorcery, finesse, and might. But one thing I like is that you can start any talent tree at an time, so you can make any combination, like maybe a rogue sorcerer. There are also fate cards that you pick as you level up, and eventually as you get higher and choose more different kinds, you eventually get abilities/powers that influence your game play.