A fun game that has good battles and a decent story line.

User Rating: 8.5 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning X360
This game may not stand out from the pack or draw a lot of attention, but it is one that is very much worth playing. It has a nice variety of character and development options that can give you unique replay options. The world is fairly large and there are lots of quests to take on, though they do get a bit monotonous after a while. It is still a beautifully done world with plenty to see and explore.

The big feature for this game, though, is the combat. It is fun, over the top, and will keep you pleasantly engaged throughout. There are plenty of weapons and armor to use and switch up and trade skills to keep you busy while not questing.

The loot is definitely fun in the game. There are an almost endless amount of drops and vendors to buy and sell your goods to. With a wold as open and large as this, you'll spend lots of time traveling and finding new places, monsters, and gear.

Kingdoms of Amalur is well worth the time to play for any fantasy RPG fan.