If you get an understanding of the card system, This is a great game

User Rating: 9.2 | Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories GBA
So, Kingdom Hearts came out on GameBoyAdvance. What did you think when Square Enix said that there was going to be a Kingdom Hearts for Gba? It didn’t seem appealing to me, I mean, the thought of a Great RPG getting put on a Handheld. Don't get me wrong, I Love handhelds. I play my GbaSP almost more then my PS2, but I was afraid of them ruining the series. I ignored the game for awhile, I would always here my friends talk about how good it is, and that I should play it. Then this past Christmas came around (2006), I got it. It took me about a week to beat it, but it was worth the time. So how was it you ask? Let’s find out:

The Gameplay: The new battle System is a different look for RPGs. You can move around the field during battles, and use some common moves. Such as Jumping, Dodge Roll. The card system is the new thing. You can customize a deck to use in battle, with up to 99 cards in a folder. (You can have 3 different folders) There are 4 different types of cards. Attack cards: which should take up most of your deck. These cards are used to make combos and normal attack with different key blades. (Attack cards are red) Magic cards: Unlike other cards, magic cards aid you in battle. Though they can take up a lot of CP for a folder, they can get you out of tight spots. Such as Cure and Ethers. Friend cards are also green. (Magic cards are green) Next up is Summon cards: These blue cards also take up a lot of CP, but are well worth it. When you use it, Sora summons characters to help him in battle, Such a Cloud, Simba, Tinkerbelle, Etc. Last up is Monster cards. They take up the most CP (around 50-150), but are really helpful. Some Examples of monster cards are: Heartless, Jafar, Etc. These cards are grayish color.

The Graphics: If you don’t like the battle system, the graphics are for you. I just have to say AMAZING. They even have some of those animated cut-scenes like from the PS2 versions. And just the battle graphics and the cool looks of the different areas *Drool* really good graphics since it is on a handheld.

The Music: What’s to be said? Its music comes from Square Enix’s awesome band, so of course it’s good. And guess what? They even change the random battle music for each area. A nice touch if you get board of the same battle music again. I know I do. The Final Say:It’s a good game to get if you like the kingdom hearts series. And it even fallows the events of the first one. So if you like Kingdom Hearts this game is a must buy. Just have fun and enjoy the time. And once you beat it once, something special comes up. Have Fun

- MegamanSP