Killzone is kind of a mixed bag

User Rating: 7 | Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4

Being a launch title for PS4, hopes are high for Killzone: Shadow Fall. The launch FPS title for PS3 was Resistance: Fall of Man, this title was pretty well made and since had many sequels. Shadow Fall does not disappoint but neither does it impress being an Playstation Exclusive.


Set in a futuristic world, it sets itself apart from other FPS like COD and Battlefield. My grip here is the movement speed, it is slow... and to add on, the singleplayer does not have a clear direction to its objectives. Players will consistently find themselves to be pressing the "up" button to always bring up the objectives pointer.

The game is unique in a way there is flying bot that you can deploy to do many different things, changing the way you will engage your enemies but its totally up to the player whether to deploy such strategies.

The last point to mention is the button lag. As experience in past Killzone games, the lag is present in a sense that the time you press the button and the time the game react has quite a huge delay. An example of a better game in this aspect is COD ghosts where it is a lot more fluid.

Moving on to the multiplayer, the slow movement is the killer for me, it seems like my character has worn so much clothing/armor that he would be such a huge disappointment to olympic runners. Not that anyone can run that fast with their gears but my character seems to be a snail trying to crawl over the huge and complicated map.


There is no nitpicking here, probably one of the best graphics on a Playstation console yet. But I'll have to stress that COD ghosts is very beautiful as well, with 1080p resolution and also battlefield with 64 players at 900p resolution are all very nice on our next gen console.


Not sure whether if its because the characters are constantly wearing a mask, but I found the voice and general audio of the game to sound slightly muffles and less crisp. Not a huge concern. On the plus side the enemies are very interactive that you can hear them shouting out your position to their allies, gathering forces against you.


I felt that it could have been better, perhaps it was rushed out to meet the playstation debut deadline. As you roam the city, you could see that the street is less well-rendered.

Not a bad game, but I don't see any groundbreaking gameplay or any that would distant itself and make it as enjoyable as the other two big FPS giants.