You should real read this book before you write a review about its cover.

User Rating: 9 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men X360
Basicly I I have 2 Xbox's and I have 4 people all waiting for this game to boot. Every single person in my house loved this game from start till we got caught up in the traffic in the tunnel. This game is bringing back the co-op that games need nowadays. I loved the hit man series and this is a well adaptation of the franchise moving forward. I love the whole premises of the game. The action makes me feel like I'm watching a movie & playing a game at the same time. The graphics presentation is not gears of war but that's all games that are not gears. I like the presentation of the style of game & the graphics fit and don't do too much but don't short you either. The play mechanics' could use a little tweak in the realms of how the targeting system works. Fair be said the weaker the gun the more lousy it shot, so I'm guessing in later levels it will tighten up. As for the sound, it did well 2 on surround I felt like I was in the action. The guns don't particularly stand out as the most authentic sounding in a game (rainbow 6 Vegas) but I'm not comparing this to anything but what it is, so I will say that they did a good job making this game sound like a blockbuster film. Overall I understand that people don't like the Hit Man series like us diehard fans, so I understand some reviews angst with this title but in my opinion this game rocks and should be checked out by any gamer looking to get in the shoes of these 2 anti hero's. The multiplayer element kind of upset me because I can't play more than 1 person per Xbox on live. That's the only negative thing I have to say about this title. Thanks for reading and try Kane & Lynch, It's a grate game, at least worth renting and trying out I bought 2 copies and I'm very well satisfied. 