So much potential for this game but overall its just a failure of a game in my opinion.

User Rating: 5 | Just Cause X360
Some great ideas in this game but overall it just fails to be an overall sucess. There is lots to explore in this game world but it feels so liveless and boring at times. The missions are also very boring and very tedius aswell.

From the graphics point of view its not that pretty to look at either. After playing games like Crysis and Farcry, this type of lazy work just doesnt cut it.

Sure there is lots to explore but thats about it to be completely honest. The story is terrible, there are no interesting characters and it felt like a chore to play this game.

In the end its a poor mans Crysis/Farcry with barely any good things to say about it, other then its some what fun to mission around for a few hours. This is a rental at best, DONT BUY THIS GAME.

It feels like the makers of this game made a big area to explore and then said "This is enough, lets not work on the story, gameplay or graphics". There are some good ideas here but everything is not exacuted well at all.