My journey...

User Rating: 9 | Journey PS3
I stand alone in the desert looking off into the distance. Where am I? How did I get here? I do not know. Around me the sand glistens...the haze surrounds me. Slowly I make my way up to the top of a nearby sand dune, around me are tons of graves and off in the distance...a mountain. For some reason I am drawn to it. I am not sure why but I know that this is where my journey begins.

I make my way through the rows of gravestones, the sand is thick and slows me down. When I divert too far from my path, the wind seems to blow me back. I come to what appears to be ruins of a building and dancing in the wind are a group of small red pieces of fabric. I sing a tune I know all too well and the pieces bind to me creating a beautiful scarf. Suddenly I can float and even fly for a short time. I never felt anything like this, as I drift down I realize that this is only good for a short amount of time, luckily I find more of these magic scarf pieces and as my scarf grows, so does my ability to sustain flight.

As I continue, I come to a large area where I learn that the magic red fabric pieces can be manipulated to make a bridge and at the top of this bridge I created by singing to the red scarf pieces, I find a large stone with etchings. As I sit to meditate on my findings, I am visited by a mysterious white cloaked figure who shows me images of a time long past....a great civiliation once dwelled where I now stand...they used the magic fabric to create their civilzation...but then...what happened? Some horrible cataclysm? Am I all that remains. My journey is long.

I continue and to my surprise I meet another pilgrim like myself with a red cloak and magic scarf. Not a word is uttered between us and yet we both know what we have to do and both of us desire to reach the mountain in the distance.

I slide down a large sand dune and my feat glide through the sand with the backdrop of the setting sun in the distance. I feel so free and alive, like nothing I ever felt before.

My elated feeling ceases as I head into the dark ruins of great buildings. It's dark God, what sort of terrible creatures are these. They're like robotic dragons with giant eyes searching for me. Were these the things that destroyed the land of my ancestors. I am afraid but I have to continue.

The journey contines....

(seriously I couldn't think of any other way to review this)