OK, This game is not the game of the year, but is still a very enjoyable single/multiplayer game.

User Rating: 8.5 | James Cameron's Avatar: The Game X360
Graphics: 9/10. Stunning visuals.

Gameplay: 8/10. Sometimes sticky, but more or less fun and easy.

Menus: 5/10. Basic menu; no multiplayer leaderboards.

Campaign: 9/10. A fun single player, choose between Na'vi and RDA.

- Fun: 9/10. Very fun, addictive.
- MLG style: 2/10. No ranks, no leaderboards, you gain XP in the campaign but not in the multiplayer (if it was in the MP it would be better). Not competitive at all (the two playable teams have advantages and disadvantages, therefore it is not an equal battle. So don't expect MLG style.)


A very good, enjoyable game, really grows on you. Rent it first, buy it if you like it. I got this as a present for xmas, and it is really fun, the campaign is really good. When seeking a relaxing bit of multiplayer, this game is great (compared to more serious games like halo 3, serious MLG games.)