jack 2 review plz read

User Rating: 10 | Jak II: Renegade PS2
ok this is such a good game... first i will tell my favorite stuff and charts and stuff, then the review.

first of my favorite things about the game.

-dark jack
-2 cheats:infinate dark jack, and infinte ammo
-the hoover board
-the guns(mostly the spirit gun)
-the graphics
-the race car, and the cop cars, and the taxis etc
-how you bop on the cops heads
-stealing a main poilce car

main things most people like:

-dark jack
-hoover board
-hoover cars

Ok now with the review.

Jack II is an awesome games with awesome grahphics. Most people I know said they hated the game, they came over to my played it, then loved it!! A big part of it that everyone likes that ive seen, is the story it`s self. If sen most people play again again through the mission... the main missions with scar. One of my favorites is free play. Stealing what I like to call... hover taxis, and raming them into the huge hover poilce cars. If you have a PS2 i highly recomamend this game. If you remember from jack and dexter, once you defeated someone like the huge plant, you knida got a the features of it. I like to call it my own base. It`s the same thing with this!!! Oh ya i have a little glitch.

step one: go to the bottom of the playing flied(which you will see the water, with a big wall in front of it) on your hover board.
step two:go to the wall.
step three: crouch down and press the mouse key thing up. you will then acutally go out the other side where noone can get you, and you can jump super high there. but dont go to far out. you will die when yo go 3 yards out.