An unexpected twist...makes a delicious cocktail for top notch adventure

User Rating: 9 | Jak II: Renegade PS2
Jak and Daxter was a fairly light and breezy affair and at the completion of the first game I was lef with the impression that the upcoming sequel was to be more of the wrong I was...Jak's back baby and he's gotten all Dark and sinister... The intro sees our friends exactly where we left them opening some huge vortex and being sucked in only to emerge in some giant city the likes of which they have never seen Jak is promptly dragged away and spends months tortured and experimented on with dreaded dark begins as mouthy sidekick Daxter turns up to spring Jak from his prison...all that dark eco has given Jak quite the attitude...he's no longer mute and has a bit of a beard too...oh and did I mention at times of stress he transforms into a monster known as Dark Jak. Escaping into the large city Jak and Daxter hook up with the local underground and begin to unravel the mysteries of where they are and free the city from opression..obviously new places lead to new kit Jak can now pack some serious firepower in terms of guns which add a new dimention to the games combat and levels. The City environment is HUGE on a GTA scale populated with all sorts of people with missions for you to do and lots of hover vehicles for you to steal and fly around in..theres also the law to contend with in the shape of the crimson guard cause to much chaos and the'll be on your tail. This leads to all sorts of great chases and shoot outs worthy of any top action game. All this new hardware lends itself to lots of variety in the missions you'll do lots of driving and some shooting around the city...on occasion you also head outside the city walls to the wilderness..or below it to the sewers for even more action. Central to all the games action is the story which im pleased to say is exciting and compelling all the way I just could't put this one down between returning home from buying it and finally completing it...thats how much I enjoyed it. The humor gameplay and entire scenario has been made darker and aimed at a more mature audience than the previous Jak and Daxter game...I feel this is a bold and excellent move not only does it account for the games original audence growing up somewhat but it also makes it more of a viable title for those who just can't bring themselves to be drawn by the cute and cuddly stuff anymore...Jak 2 has some real attitude is a fine graphical acomplishment and plays suberbly all these factors combined make this a top notch installment in what has become one of my favourite PS2 series and now all 3 current Jak and Daxter titles are in the Platinum range there really is no excuse not to get out there and add them to your collection.