Takes itself way too seriously, but still fun nonetheless

User Rating: 7.4 | Jak II: Renegade PS2
Jak II is the sequel to 2001's Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. The game takes place immediately after the first Jak game. They test out this precursor machine and they are transfered to a different place. 2 years later, Jak has been held captive by this Dark Eco Scientist who performed experiments on Jak using the Dark Eco. Daxter finds him and breaks him out. Jak finds out that he's in a place called Haven City, which is on the verge of collapse due to the all the events and corruption surrounding it. The controls in this game could've been better, the hovercraft controls are something I'm not fond of particularly. Whenever you can do a hovercraft challenge, it gets extremely difficult simply because of the controls. The hoverboard controls could've been executed better too. The in-game graphics are an improvement over the previous Jak game but it's nothing to drool over. The facial animations and detail in the cutscenes are something to be impressed about, and you have to give it to SCEA that it's a huge improvement, but it's nothing revolutionary. The Gameplay had sort of a GTA-feel to it. You could steal various types of hovercraft and you could pick up missions at certain points in the city; Speaking of the city, I even though I was impressed with how big it was, I hated it; it was too big and not interactive enough. And the city was a little too big and it was easy to get lost in. So basically, the only fun I had while not following the main story was just flying around in the hovercraft and doing side-quests. The side-quests in the game are also very repetitive and sometimes difficult, it was so difficult I couldn't even have fun with it. I actually found myself continuing the main quest as opposed to doing side-quests. The sound and voice-acting are one of the main highlights of the game. First of all, Jak can speak, he's not mute like in the last game. His voice sort of has this "bad-ass" tone to it. My favorite character was Daxter, his dialogue and how he executes it is pure comedy gold. The story and overall plot of the game tries to be serious. The story is very good in all, but it tried too hard to be serious. If it didn't take itself so seriously, I would've enjoyed this game alot more The main quest has several missions to it, but some of them are basically "go to this cave/building and find this item/person/artifact" and it got repetitive after a while. The boss fights in this game are very well choreographed but there aren't enough of them! Some parts of the main quest get difficult, especially toward the end. You should be able to beat the main quest in about 10 hours, and 15-20 hours if you do the side-quests. If you're a fan of the 1st game or you love platformers, then this game is for you