Well lets just say there'sa lot of big improvements in this one.

User Rating: 9.2 | Jak II: Renegade PS2
Firstly I would like to mention that this is a fabulous game, I would have to say it’s the biggest improvement from a series. This game has improved a lot turning into a real-world map, just like GTA, walk wherever you want shoot whatever you want, do side quests get chased by the Guards, hijack vehicles the list goes on and no, remember this is not including the missions which are amazing. Lets start with the biggest improvement of the game from Jak and daxter: the precursor legacy, in Jak 2 it’s a free world you can do whatever you want in Haven City, while you complete more missions, the more of Haven gets unlocked, and this is one big city. Remember in the first Jak game you could only punch and kick, well lets just say that’s all changed, you can still do those moves but as just an extra you get GUNS, so if your tired doing it the old way and you want to seriously inflict some damage on your enemy, well why not let the gun do the work for you without getting your fists dirty. There are 4 different types of guns you can get. Not much guns but lets just say a massive improvement. I’ll sum this part in a paragraph; the graphics are superb, the music, sound and voice acting is lovely. Trust me this game’s replay value is a lot more then the first Jak game. You get precursor orbs (only 200 in this one) to unlock things like cheats, gun upgrades etc. The downfalls well there isn’t much just I would of liked it if the game was a little longer, and if it where a little easier to get the 200 orbs. Overall this is a fun game, a big improvement its worth a purchase. Good game I loved it. Thankyou for reading my review.