This Real-Time Action RPG has a good Eastern feel to it, but in the end falls short of whats expected from Bioware.

User Rating: 8 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
Lets cut to the chase here. Jade Empire is highly hyped exclusive RPG for the Xbox from the developers of classics like KOTOR and Neverwinter Knights, unfortunately its their least successful game to date. There are many issues in this game that just made the experience underwhelming for me. The gameplay is a basic real-time battle system that feels a bit thin and shallow as the characters and skills are not customizable enough by RPG standards. Sure there are those who would say the Harmonic combos are what really adds depth, but lets be honest here, the AI is a pushover and Harmonic combos are not even necessary to beat the game. There is also balance issues in the AI and character classes, for instance some ghosts are difficult like chi ghosts but a a lumbering Jade Golem can be defeated in only a few strikes. The side quests are weak especially the vertical shooting games using the Dragon fly are an Ikaruga rip off and a bit clunky. All in all the gameplay is nothing extraordinary, but servicable. The graphics are pretty, but compared to the graphical prowess of games like SC:CT, Doom 3, Ninja Gaiden, Riddick, and UC2, Jade Empire just doesn't stack up. I found framerate issues at various times of the game and this wouldn't be so much an issue if Jade Empire was Turned Based, but its not, it's Real Time and slow down during the occasional battle is unacceptable this late in the Xbox's lifecycle, especially with such few enemies on screen. You can expect 20 to 30 second loading times every few minutes of gameplay which is again, unacceptable when games like Doom 3 and UC2 are all about fast action and load in less time and play smoother. The story is good, but be forewarned it takes some 5 or so hours to get going. The music is wonderful in Jade Empire, but unfortuantely the voice acting dialect just isn't convincing for certain characters. There is plenty of value to be had even though the game is initially short for an RPG, it's about 20 hours, but there are plenty of characters to play thru and the Closed Fist and Open Palm are the Good and Bad ways to play the game, but honestly the good and bad play thrus are starting to get old. In conclusion, I'm sure there are many gamers who will love this game and can look past its faults. I for one was disappointed and could not turn a blind eye. It just didn't capture me like a RPG should and thats why my Reviewers Tilt is so low, it wasn't that fun for me. Maybe I was expecting too much, but Bioware have built this reputation for Superb RPG's and Jade Empire was tauted as their dream game. To me a dream game is a once in a life time creation and I don't see that in Jade Empire. If you are in doubt, please rent it first and save yourself selling the game like I did.