This is Game Development at its greatest!

User Rating: 9.6 | Jade Empire: Hisui no Teikoku XBOX
Recently in the past few months I've played 3 RPGs. Fable, KOTOR 2, and Jade Empire. Fable, was short, and KOTOR 2, was bugged out and had no ending. Jade Empire on the other hand, is game development at its greatest. Bioware is the best game developer around. Jade Empire is a rock solid game. It's easy to play, offers a great story, and great characters. Clearly the game has multiple endings, and different ways for the same story to play out. The game is well put together. I've encountered no bugs while playing the game. It's lenghty and a lot of fun. The combat system is very simple. Anyone can pick it up, and their are many styles to fight with. Their are so many styles to pick up, you wont be able to complete the game if you decide to use each and every single one you come across. While the combat system is easy, their isn't much to be done when using it, it's not like Ninja Gaiden, but if you like but kicking at nice pace, then you'll love it. Jade Empire is a must have for any collection. It offers high replay value...And well it's lenght is enough to keep you busy if you just want to play it once. Jade Empire is truly a masterpiece. Bioware is a great developer...I expect to see many more great titles from them in next generation of gaming. More developers should try to develope games like bioware - Complete without bugs...Hopefully this spreads throughout the industry, and development teams will know how to develope a classic(meaning Obsidian ENT.).