Please take a second chance ...

User Rating: 9.5 | The War Z PC
The War Z game since Pre-Alpha and passed by virtually all phases of change and adaptation of the game, I can say that despite all the problems that the game is a game that has a promising future and despite everything to me and some of my friends to the game offers something very interesting as the tension in the middle of a firefight and each day that passes it becomes a game keeps getting better and that's why I play the Z War despite problems with bugs , hackers and many other things we need to represent not only the game from their mistakes, because even the largest print, make mistakes (even being so professional in what they do) and hammerpoint made his first game and in my opinion is not finished War Z still has many interesting things to show and lots of fun for your players, I think one of the few things that has displeased the players is the big problem with hackers and with certain video cards as there are people who have recommended or maximum requirement and can not play anymore and I think the staff Sergey Hammerpoint will fix these errors and one day me and everyone who played (and very much the same) will be proud to have played this great game ...