This game is Amazing, and one of my favorite series

User Rating: 8.5 | inFamous 2 PS3
Infamous 2, we left off when Cole killed his future self, and the story is so interesting that it makes the game addictive and fun to play through, now you are Cole Magrath who is a conduit and who's ability is to shoot lighting bolts and throughout the game you can upgrade your powers, now the game is not set in the same city, its not set in Empire city, but new Maris, and your mission is to become stronger before "The Beast" comes and causes total destruction, and in the game you have three sidekicks, but two are conduit are like Cole's angle and demon. and depending on if you want to be bad or good, the missions are different, and about halfway throughout the level you are able to choose, which powers you want from your two conduit friends, personally, the good conduit was my favorite power. and what i liked about the game was that it had similar game play just like Prototype.

Now the problem about this game was climbing up buildings.
now depending on if you where bad or good, you have a different ending.
now this game was so well done, much better than the first game.
so i give it 8.5/10 MP