umm i really dont know what to say about this one but.......

User Rating: 6 | Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings WII
i like this game mainly just because of the really funny glitches the first time i played this it glitched on the tutorial where you have to counter i didn't do it right so the guys spine started goind around bending like he had a black hole inside of his stomach that was sucking him in after about 15 minutes of laughing i had to unplug my wii whitch is never a good sign the single player modes storyline is kinda interesting and its definantly an indiana jones game thats for sure the game would be great that is if the controls were bedder the whole game is just wiggleing the remote you wiggle the nunchuck to do a left punch and the wii remote for a right punch and of course you hold down diffrent buttons to do diffrent things like a right hook or an uppercut but in my opinion where this game shines is the multiplayer the first player plays as indiana the second player plays as indies dad and whenever indies dad climbs something you hear loud grunts and m e and my freinds played this and laughed and had a great time but overall i would at least rent it then if you like it buy it and its a good games for fans of indiana but for people that aren't fans why are you even looking to buy it its great game and i would reccomend it though definantly not the best its still fun.