not for fans of arcade racers

User Rating: 10 | Import Tuner Challenge X360
this game is what street racing was suppose to be. the tokyo extreme racer series is always compared to nfs cause they want somethings shiny. txr is for technical racers not show. look in the details and youll find alot of fun and addiction. i still have my dreamcast and pull it out so i can play the games from early in the series. for the ones who dont get it have fun with nfs but remember they play like the arcade. however if anyone wants to play multiplayer let me know. i understand that some people get discouraged easily but if you give games a chance for their playability sometimes youll surprise yourself. though the one grip i have is the lack of DLC. they could have released more sections of highway to expand to the level of txr3 and more cars or parts. but even with the draw backs i found this game enjoyable cause i still break it out when i want to have fun and increase my perfect record.